
How to Identify a False Prophet-Pt.1

This is how most people look when they find out they've been duped by a false teacher/prophet. Now, I'm no head hunter, but I am sincerely convinced that God's people are perishing for the lack of knowledge and need to be equipped with tools to protect themselves against the devices of the enemy. Identifying false teaching, knowing it when you see it, and protecting yourself with the truth of the Word of God is important to the spiritual life and vitality of the Christian.

Firstly, I want to remind you that you have been given the Holy Spirit when you trusted Christ as Savior and Lord. One of the functions of the Holy Spirit is to lead and guide us into all truth. There are many who continue to purport the ideology that salvation and the receiving of the Holy Spirit are separate and distinct experiences. I want to take a few moments and debunk that myth and a few others.

Normally, you wouldn't witness me engage in futile spiritual debates, however, this does not fall under the category of an exercise in futility. Identifying false teaching is an essential doctrine in the New Testament writings and an individuals ability to discern truth from error could be a strong factor in determining the authenticity of their conversion. Doctrine is essential and paramount to salvation and Christian growth. The wrong theology can have eternal consequences.

Salvation is a work of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 1:13-14 explicitly reveals the truth of this statement. Let us follow the compass. Paul is explaining to the Gentile Christians at Ephesus how salvation actually took place for them. He makes it plain that their trust in Christ came immediately following their hearing the word of truth, which he calls the "gospel of their salvation." They could not trust in Christ until they actually heard of Christ. Lately, there are many that are saying that even if persons do not hear the gospel as long as they intellectually accept that Christ died for them they will receive eternal life. That's about as true as me saying that if I jump off the Wells Fargo building in downtown Los Angeles I'll grow wings and fly.

People do not know that they are sinners. They don't know that they are alienated from the life of God. They don't know that even though God loves them if they do not accept the sacrifice of Jesus as the subsititutionary payment of their sin debt in full, God will judge them according to His law (10 commandments), if they are not found to be perfect in following that law, they will spend an eternity apart from God in a place called Hell.

People do not know that they are lost. They have to hear the gospel to know that. In order to convince people that they need justification, you first have to prove to them that they are condemned. Before anyone can truly be saved, he first has to know that he is in danger. Before a man can be found, he first has to be lost. Does that make sense?

Paul continues on and says that after you trusted Christ based on the gospel you heard then something miraculous happens that only the Holy Spirit can do...you believe. No man can believe on his own. We don't have the power to believe God. I know that may sound strange to some of you, but it's the truth. Unless God opens up your understanding and enables your will, you will not understand, and you will not believe.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Pastor Kraig L. Pullam said...

My friend, I am really enjoying your blogs, particularly this one. It is filled with the word, humor, candor and a great use and sense of wording. Keep up the good work! I look forward to the second part!