
Back to School

In the fall of 2001 prior to the terrorist act in NYC, I received a call from the chaplain at Langston University. I had just graduated that summer while simultaneously working as a Senior Counselor for the Upward Bound program. The message went something like this:

"Dan, I hope all is well. Last night Phillips Theological Seminary in Tulsa and Langston University finalized a bridge program for graduating seniors who are interested in pursuing a graduate theological education. They asked did we have a candidate and last night we officially offered you a full scholarship in your absence."

Obviously, this was a surreal moment and of course I accepted. I was only there until the summer of 2002 and then I moved to Los Angeles. I'll give you the details of why at a later time. I was 23 then, I'm 30 now.

God has seen fit to bless me again. Today, I will begin my second go-a-round with theological education at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA. I have received substantial financial aid from the seminary and from the African-American church Studies Department. Due to my work schedule, I'll only be able to take two classes this quarter, but God is good.

Please pray that I'm able to honor God with all A's!


The X-Factor: Judgment

Normally, I would not divest my candidate of choice during an election season, but this is a special election and I feel like breaking out of the box of normalcy. Unless Barack Obama is the most deceitfully ingenious person in the 20th century, with respect to Sen. John McCain's war record, his years in the Senate, etc., Barack Obama is the best hope for this country.

Hillary touted her experience. McCain is touting his experience. However, the the X-factor that continues to surface in the eyes of the American people as our economic future is uncertain, our health care is in disarray, education is dangling from the bottom rungs of society, and an average of $10 billion per month is being spent on war that was justifiably questionable from inception, it is judgment, foresight, and insight, not experience that this country needs.

Good judgment is a product of experience, but is not guaranteed. Sometimes you get stuck in the past, unconsciously self-imposing limitations and restrictions that hinder progress and innovation. I believe John McCain loves this country. I appreciate his moral conservatism and his risk-taking disposition, but his plans for this country will inevitably cease America from being the front-runner in the free world.

History teaches us that no world power (Greece, Rome, Babylon, Assyria, Germany, Europe, Egypt, etc.) has ever lasted more than 250 years. America is 232 years old. Not only do we have more time, we've got a chance to break the record and I choose to have hope that we will.

USC Lost...and I'm Loving It!

Freshman Jacquizz Rodgers helped the Beavers pull off another stunner -- and Southern California was the victim again.

Rodgers ran for 186 yards and two touchdowns, and Oregon State built a 21-point first-half lead before capitalizing on a late turnover and upsetting the Trojans 27-21 on Thursday night.

Those are not my words, but the words of the Associated Press. However, I loved every bit of it. I like it how every year the claim the Trojans are so good, so refined, so advanced that they could beat the Raiders, they could beat the Chief and so on. Well, maybe so, but they couldn't beat Oregon State last night now could they?

A writer for the Press-Telegram in Long Beach (can't remember his name) was publicly ridiculed for voting USC 3 or 4 in the polls a few weeks ago. He wrote an article about it. It's a great read and you should take the time to look it up. I remember him explicitly stating that it is incredulous to stamp the label "unbeatable" or "invincible" after two games into the season. The sporting world acted as if he was blind, deaf, and dumb.

I wonder what they will say now. Now even Ray Charles can see it and Stevie don't have to wonder. You'll get that when you get home.


Barack Obama-The Man

In Martin Luther King's 1963 book Strength to Love, he uttered what I consider to be one of the greatest phrases in human history. He said, "The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

I am impressed at Obama's response to John McCain's attempt at political one up-manship during the most stress economic time in the U.S. since 1929. We do not need our Presidential candidates in Washington. In 40 days we will have a new President. We need to know how the next president will lead this country and we need to know now. I don't think this can be overstated.

Admittedly, I do not remember Barack Obama's speech the Democratic National Convention in 2004. Undoubtedly, those of us who do not consider politics or the policies lawmakers write until election season had to be reintroduced to this 1st term senator from the state of Illinois. He's fiery, passionate, charming, handsome, and has God-given oratorical ability we haven't witnessed since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Here are some great articles about the person of Barack Obama for your perusal.


If you went to Langston University during the years of 1996-2001 then you know who the man to the left is. That's Bryan Edward Hilburn. (Yeah, I had to put his middle name out there like that)

Wherever you saw Bryan you saw me and vice-versa. We were introduced to each other in the fall of 1996 at Langston University as freshmen. We immediately formed a bond. When I met Bryan he was not a believer and had been to church only a handful of times in his life.

However, he did believe that there was a a God, he just was not a follower of Jesus. I want to make that clear. He wasn't some atheist walking around saying there was no God. He actually had accepted the major tenants of Christianity, but surprisingly, no one had ever shared the gospel with him. That all changed in the spring of 1997. God saved him and he hasn't looked back since.

This man is my friend. We first pledged a Christian fraternity together. We pledged a secular fraternity together. We preached our first sermons on the same night. We're not even friends, we're brothers. We would pray together. I mean really pray. We fasted together. We even almost literally died together. (I'll have to tell you about that one day)


In October of 2002, I moved to Los Angeles. My girlfriend at the time (now wife) was working at Warner Bros. and met a young lady by the name of Tiffany Moore. About two or so years after that my wife's twin sister moved to Atlanta where Bryan was already staying. Not too long after that Tiffany moved to Atlanta from Los Angeles and stayed with my sister-in-law.


Then she met Bryan. (We won't say how, there is discrepancy between me and my sister-in-law over the referral fee) A year later they're married. Look at that wedding photo! Amazing! Couldn't have happened to two better people!

Love you guys!

It's Gettin' Hot in Here...

But please don't take off all your clothes, just take the blinders off and see what this country has really come to.

Tonight, at approximately 9:01 pm. ET, President Bush will address the nation on the urgent need for a $700 billion bail out. The speech is scheduled to last less than 15 minutes. The irony of this bail out speech is the individual who is rendering it.

President George W. Bush, Jr., erased a $300 billion surplus brought on by the Clinton administration. He engaged us in a 7-year war with seemingly no end in sight. Under his administration consumers became victim to predatory lending, those who make above $250,000/yr received greater tax breaks than the middle class, funding for education has been dramatically reduced, and now our financial system is at the brink of Depression.

And if you haven't heard, John McCain (Mr. Country First) wants to suspend his campaign and forgo the Presidential debate on Friday to go work on the crisis in Washington instead of coming up with a plan as a presidential candidate and inform the American people what he will do to fix this mess.

Admittedly, it's one of the best political 1-ups I've seen in my short 30 years, but it's nothing more than a photo-op. It's a statement to get ahead in the polls. At the most critical time in our country in almost 80 years, we've still got people with self-serving missions while people perish.

How close are we to a recession? A depression? I've heard and read so many different views I don't even know anymore. All I know is that the nation that forgets God...

Time to start praying harder and invoke 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Why Congress Objects To The Bailout Plan

This is a great article on www.npr.org. Let's stay informed folks. This goes beyond who we want to be President. This is the future that we're establishing for our children and children's children. Now of course, we know where our help comes from, but we want to be able to pray on target and so it is vital and critical that we know and understand the issues in our country.


How to Identify a False Prophet-Pt.3

I thought I'd end our pictorial journey with a picture of Abraham. The picture was painted with God's call of Abraham in mind. I felt that way when God called me 10 years ago.

Now to the task at hand. I pray it helps you in your discernment. I've attached a PDF document that serves as a test for false teachers. My mama always used to say, "If the snake bites you the first time, it's the snake's fault. If he bites you the second time, it's your fault."

Moral: No matter how charismatic, how gifted, or how convincing the individual is, if they don't pass the biblical test, there are no gray areas; you have to judge them as either false or true.

False Teachers are Men Pleasers

Every encounter I've ever had with a false teacher/prophet has embodied this characteristic. They preach what people want to hear. Whatever brings the crowds, whatever brings in the money, whatever it takes to increase their popularity, they say it without any regard to the sacredness of Scripture. They seem to be content to proclaim whatever makes people feel good for the moment. If it's the promise of a new house, a new car, more money, a new husband, a new wife, a new job, or whatever, if people are buying, then they will sell it. Look out for this quality. Does the minister avoid subjects such as sin and repentance? Does he promise blessings without responsibility, accountability, and without regard to a person's lifestyle? If you find this to be true, this is a strong indication that he/she is a pleaser of men and is not hearing from God. If you witness this characteristic take the prophet Jeremiah's advice.

False Teachers Are Greedy

This characteristic is easy to spot out. However, let me point something out. There's is nothing wrong with money. There's nothing wrong with having a lot of it. It's what you do with the money and what you allow the money to do to you. As a Christian, if you see money as more than a tool that provides access to advance the kingdom of God, provide for your household, and help those less fortunate, then you've missed the purpose of money. If you think that advancing the kingdom is getting a new zip code, then you've really got issues. Scripture plainly states that the kingdom of God is not meat or drink, but love, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit.

Money is not evil, however, the love of money is. If you ever want to see who a person really is, give them more money than they've ever had, and whoever that person really is will be magnified by money, because money provides access to accomplish the pleasures of a man's heart. In other words, the reason the scripture states that money is the root of ALL evil is because if there's evil in you, money will draw it out and put it on public display.

Does the teacher talk about money in relationship to being obedient to God? Does he equate governed donations to the church as the primary way to obey God? Should you give? Yes! It can be an indication of your yielded-ness to God. However, to give out of fear and obligation is wrong.

I'll end with some information from one of the best Bible expositors known to mankind, John MacArthur. Here's a link to his ministry.

False teachers are proud

They are concerned for their own popularity. They are concerned for their own fame. They are concerned for their own notoriety. They are concerned for their own prestige. They’re concerned to see themselves and hear themselves in the public eye. They want large crowds, as it were, to bow down in great homage to them. They’re characterized by pride and they will do anything to gain the ground they need to gain for the welfare of their own personal ego, including any amount of compromise necessary.

False teachers are characterized by selfishness

They tend to be self-centered. They are concerned for their own comfort. They are concerned for their own popularity. They are concerned for their own prosperity. In the end, it’s all about money, fame, and prestige and notoriety equals an increased bank account. They are in it for the money and the personal material benefits that they can gain as they endeavor to feed their selfish desires.

False teachers are characterized by deception T

They usually can weave a very sophisticated web of deception in their teaching because they tend to be articulate, if they’re going to be successful, and they endeavor to engage other people to aid them in their deceitful enterprise which gives it the, sort of, facade of credibility.

False teachers are irreverent

If there’s anything that sort of dominates in my thinking about false teachers, it is their irreverence. They have absolutely no regard for God. The fact that they would go against God, that they would elevate themselves the way they do, that they would pervert the truth indicates their utter irreverence. They have little, if any, regard for God, His Word, His truth, His glory, His honor…

False teachers are spiritually destructive

They seek to use people; they seek to abuse people. They seek to lead people into error, which destroys them—into sin, which pollutes them.

So, as you look at false teachers with regard to the world, they are proud and they seek fame and popularity. With regard to themselves, they are self-centered, selfish, self-aggrandizing, self-gratifying. With regard to the nature of their ministry, they are dishonest and deceptive and lack integrity. With regard to God, they are utterly irreverent; in fact, they are blasphemous. And, with regard to the people that they influence, they are spiritually destructive. So, their relationship to the world, their relationship to the ministry, their relationship to themselves, their relationship to God, their relationship to their people all reflects the deviation of their hearts.”

John F. MacArthur Jr., Concerns of a True Pastor: Humility and Selflessness, 1998


How to Identify a False Prophet-Pt.2

The picture to the left is an artist's depiction of the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah was a true prophet of the Lord.

On last time we ended our conversation talking about the fact that salvation is a work of the Spirit of God. We briefly looked at Ephesians 1:13-14. Let's pick up where we left off.

After an individual places his trust in Christ subsequent to hearing the gospel message, belief in Christ is birthed, immediately following that sequence of events, that person is sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. (I am itching to deal with the promise of the Holy Spirit and the significance of its sealing, but it will take me somewhere I don't want to go, I digress...argh!)

This begs the question, when does an individual receive the Holy Spirit? Because if I don't have it then I am not able to claim that he will lead and guide me into all truth. I will be just as susceptible to error as I am to truth and I will ultimately be left up to my own will to choose what is right. If that is the case then inevitably I will choose a path that is contrary to the will of God because I cannot do anything in my flesh (of my own effort) that will please God. In fact without the Holy Spirit, I can't even claim Jesus as Savior. See here and here.

Clearly, we see that this doctrine is fundamentally implausible and subjects one to eventual legalism. We could go further, but we won't. Our subject is how to identify false teachers and prophets and the focus of this discourse of preface was to ensure you that you DO have the Holy Spirit if you have been purchased by the blood of Jesus, now it's time to learn how to employ his function as Helper.

Jesus stated in Matthew 12:33 that we will know the tree by the fruit that it bears. In short, what people do and say reveals who they really are. At one point or another a person's REAL character will show up. How many relationships were we in and found that out? I always said before I got married that my wife not only had to be a good thing, but she had to bring me favor! If she brought hell, she wasn't the one! With that in mind we want to look at the the characteristics of a false teacher/prophet. It is in his characteristics that we will be able to discern if he is of the Lord. Stay tuned for part 3.

How to Identify a False Prophet-Pt.1

This is how most people look when they find out they've been duped by a false teacher/prophet. Now, I'm no head hunter, but I am sincerely convinced that God's people are perishing for the lack of knowledge and need to be equipped with tools to protect themselves against the devices of the enemy. Identifying false teaching, knowing it when you see it, and protecting yourself with the truth of the Word of God is important to the spiritual life and vitality of the Christian.

Firstly, I want to remind you that you have been given the Holy Spirit when you trusted Christ as Savior and Lord. One of the functions of the Holy Spirit is to lead and guide us into all truth. There are many who continue to purport the ideology that salvation and the receiving of the Holy Spirit are separate and distinct experiences. I want to take a few moments and debunk that myth and a few others.

Normally, you wouldn't witness me engage in futile spiritual debates, however, this does not fall under the category of an exercise in futility. Identifying false teaching is an essential doctrine in the New Testament writings and an individuals ability to discern truth from error could be a strong factor in determining the authenticity of their conversion. Doctrine is essential and paramount to salvation and Christian growth. The wrong theology can have eternal consequences.

Salvation is a work of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 1:13-14 explicitly reveals the truth of this statement. Let us follow the compass. Paul is explaining to the Gentile Christians at Ephesus how salvation actually took place for them. He makes it plain that their trust in Christ came immediately following their hearing the word of truth, which he calls the "gospel of their salvation." They could not trust in Christ until they actually heard of Christ. Lately, there are many that are saying that even if persons do not hear the gospel as long as they intellectually accept that Christ died for them they will receive eternal life. That's about as true as me saying that if I jump off the Wells Fargo building in downtown Los Angeles I'll grow wings and fly.

People do not know that they are sinners. They don't know that they are alienated from the life of God. They don't know that even though God loves them if they do not accept the sacrifice of Jesus as the subsititutionary payment of their sin debt in full, God will judge them according to His law (10 commandments), if they are not found to be perfect in following that law, they will spend an eternity apart from God in a place called Hell.

People do not know that they are lost. They have to hear the gospel to know that. In order to convince people that they need justification, you first have to prove to them that they are condemned. Before anyone can truly be saved, he first has to know that he is in danger. Before a man can be found, he first has to be lost. Does that make sense?

Paul continues on and says that after you trusted Christ based on the gospel you heard then something miraculous happens that only the Holy Spirit can do...you believe. No man can believe on his own. We don't have the power to believe God. I know that may sound strange to some of you, but it's the truth. Unless God opens up your understanding and enables your will, you will not understand, and you will not believe.

Until next time...


Are We in the Last Days?

If you ask most pastors what biblical subject stimulates the most interest from their respective congregations, you will find that without hesitation they will tell you that out of all the themes of the Bible, end time prophecy is the most requested biblical study.

There is a particular interest in Southern California due to the sudden experience of a 5.4 magnitude earthquake, with the promise of the BIG ONE to come in the next 30 years or less, pointed questions concerning life, death, and various spiritual subjects have begun to arise and it’s a perfect opportunity to present the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world.

With that in mind, I have asked Dr. Trevor Johnson, pastor of Christ Tabernacle Baptist Church in Long Beach, CA to come aboard for this article to give us some insight into why Christians find end time prophecy so intriguing and also to get his personal view on where the world is on God’s timetable.

Rev. Trevor L. Johnson, a serious student of God’s Word and a professor of New Testament Studies for New Life Online Seminary, is what I consider to be an authority concerning end time matters, and possesses a unique ability to open the understanding of many who were mystified about the book of Revelation and other prophetic books in the Bible. He has always deemed it of great importance that we understand the times that we live in. When asked if we were in the midst of the last days, among other questions related to this topic, the answers he rendered require thoughtful pondering and remind us of the sovereignty of God.

Rev. Dan Thomas: Pastor Johnson, as a pastor who is charged to sound the alarm and to be a watchman on the wall, do you think we are in the last days?

Pastor Trevor Johnson
: Personally, I believe that we are living in the last days. The true question is how long do the last days last? If we knew the answer to that question, then we could more definitely declare if we are indeed in them.

RDT: It seems in every generation, particularly when we are transitioning from one generation to the next, that there is a crescendo of interest in the “end times.” Why do you think this is?

PTJ: Every generation comes into a revelatory knowledge of last day times based upon biblical truth and current events. With each perception of world events and interpretation of scripture we all believe that the end must be closer than we think, especially based on Matt. 24:44. Even the early Christians were under the impression that they too were living in the last days so this may be a normal mindset given the warning in Matt. 24:44 alone.

RDT: It seems as if you are saying that it is incumbent upon every Christian generation to have an expectation of Jesus Christ’s return. From a pastoral perspective do you see the global church as expectant of Christ’s return?

PTJ: Indeed it is critical and imperative that we continue to be in expectation of the Lord's return. In my opinion I think the church at large is in the state of mind of expecting Him to return soon, just as the 1st Century church. Any believer who is not in such expectancy is like the 5 of the 10 virgins who were found unprepared and consequently "shut out."

RDT: With end time talk in the air, obviously, the book of Revelation comes into play. In your opinion, why does this book fascinate the minds of the Christian and non-Christian alike?

PTJ: It could be because it is not a typical book out of which most sermons are preached, also there is not very much exegetical teaching out of that book, and by far it is the most mystical book of the Bible. So we are fascinated by the mystery of the book...particularly because it is prophetic to our day!

RDT: As we are experiencing difficult times in our country and things seem to be worsening by the minute, what admonition would you give believers today to avoid apathy, discouragement, and falling into the snare of unbelief?

PTJ: If we are to remain steadfast and unmovable then it is absolutely critical to take hold of the promise that HE WILL RETURN. Although it is easy to get caught up in the current global events as well as personal dilemmas, we must understand that Jesus warned and admonished us how to conduct ourselves and to continue in well doing during the most horrific times in world history. As times get worse, we must pray more intensely, study more passionately, and walk more circumspectly and continue to win the world for Him as we see the day dawning!

RDT: Okay last question. Do you think we are the last century of mankind?

PTJ: There is a good chance that we are indeed the last century but of course, this is my subjective opinion.

RDT: Pastor Johnson thanks so much for your timely input and insight.

PTJ: It was my pleasure. God bless.

Okay let’s summarize. The truth is that no one knows when it will all be over. Even our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ stated that it was not given to him to know, only the Father.

The end is sure and it is definitely near. How near? No one really knows. The objective is to be ready at all times because it could be anytime.

The apostle Peter said that, “A day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day.” Peter did not mean this literally, but was using hyperbolic language to set at ease the minds of believers who had become impatient concerning the Lord’s return. He was trying to teach them that the Lord’s time is not our time and what seems to be an elongated lapse of time to us was just one day ago to God.

However, it was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a positive expectation when believers were facing such intense persecution, even death, for proclaiming the Lord’s name and so it was vitally necessary for Peter to write to them to encourage them to “be alert, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour.”

It’s when we understand this that we cease to wonder about when he will come back and shift into a focused mode of preparation to be ready to meet him at whatever time he has foreordained to return for his church. The trials won’t stop. The struggles won’t stop. The pain won’t cease and the persecutions won’t come to and end, but we can maintain a positive expectancy knowing that God always will make good on his promises. Always.

Remember the words of the Apostle Paul to the Romans, “And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.


Charlie Gibson's Interview with Gov. Sarah Palin

Read the excerpts from the transcript and listen to the full interview and judge for yourself on whether Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican candidate for Vice-President of the United States of America is qualified for this office. Based on this interview, I don't think she is. Initially, I was opposed to Sarah Palin simply because I strongly feel that anyone that aligns themselves with the idea of supporting this war which is and will continue to be a national travesty parallel with Vietnam, is naive or is in cahoots with this shenanigan of a war at best, but after listening to this interview and judging from an unbiased viewpoint, she is clearly not ready to lead.

Again, I say, there were no WMD's found in Iraq! None! I sincerely hope Obama leaves Palin completely alone. I believe in the next 55 days she will unravel herself. The first threads came loose with this interview. I think that they really think that people in America are so desensitized that they can say anything and we'll believe it. Just because Sarah Palin has a tough-sounding tone of voice, doesn't mean she knows what she's talking about. Listen to how she repeats the same thing over and over again simply because she doesn't know what she's talking about.


The Next Barack Obama?

Honestly, I've never liked using that colloquialism, "the next this or the next that." It's a very restricting phrase. If that individual doesn't live up to who we say they resemble then they become a failure in our eyes. To actually be someone else is virtually impossible. There may be similar characteristics that you share, but we don't want to disallow someone from becoming who they were designed to be by forcefully juxtaposing them to someone who came before them. In short, as my pastor always says, "No one can beat you being you."

With that said, I titled this blog, "The Next Barack Obama", because I see similar characteristics in this brother and Senator Barack Obama. Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Ricco Wright. Currently he is the President of the Student Senate at Teacher's college at Columbia University. He is in his first year as a Mathematics doctoral student. Yes, you heard me right, a doctorate in mathematics. He is a recipient of the Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholarship and is well-deserving of it.

I had the distinct and honorable pleasure of meeting this brother in 1999 at Langston University. Langston is the last historically black college west of the Mississippi River in Langston, OK. I was a senior and he was a freshman. I was fortunate enough to form what has become an inseparable bond with him that is strong until this day. I also had the privilege of somewhat mentoring him in his developmental stages at Langston...this is according to him. LOL

I've learned that the greatest impact you have on people is the impact that you didn't know you had. I didn't know that I had done it. It just awesome to know someone whom greatness is written in the blueprint of their destiny. It's been five years since Ricco graduated from Langston and they're still talking about him. When seniors and freshmen alike throw a party just because you're coming to visit, that should tell you something about the legacy that he left at that school. He's also leaving one at Teacher's College. He'll also be leaving one wherever he teaches as associate professor, and then as a tenured professor, and then as an accomplished best selling, author, and then as U.S. Senator, and then maybe even President of the United States.

Why do I say this? His charisma is natural and not forced. His intelligence factor is through the roof. (Can we say Ivy League?) His poise in crisis situations at such a young age is unfathomable. His generosity and love for his fellow man could only be from God Himself. His passion is self-consuming and contagious. His focus is undeniable. His leadership crosses the tumultuous seas of life with sails of integrity. He is formidable. He is sure. He is purposeful. And last but not least, he loves God and from this reciprocal love like the sun shining on the earth, he shines the love of God on all who encounter him.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Ricco Wright. This will not be the last time you hear of this name.

Check out this article about his new position as President of Student Senate at Teacher's College at Columbia University in New York.


Worship in Music At Its Best

True worshippers are rare these days. This fact is indicative in what modern-day Christianity believes worship to be. We have relegated worship to certain categories, sounds, and personalities.

One of the best methods in communicating what something is, is to first say what it is not. Following this methodology let's briefly explore one thing that worship isn't. Worship is not music. Music can be worship, but music alone cannot embody the totality of what worship is.

Jesus Christ removed the categorical limits from worship in John chapter 4 in his conversation with the woman at the well. She argued that worship was geographical, social, and ethnic in context. However, Jesus' response to her was this; "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."

The first thing to notice is the nature of God. Jesus says that God is a Spirit. The capitalization of the word "spirit" denotes the idea that God is the Spirit. This is consistent with the idea that God is alone in his sovereignty. There are no other gods except him. He alone is absolute in power, knowledge, authority, and presence. After divesting this great truth, Jesus goes on to instruct the woman on how to worship God. He tells her that it must be done in spirit and in truth.

God does not desire worship from the flesh. The flesh is where we consciously access the world around us. In other words, we are aware of our surrounding through senses or sensory perception of the flesh. (sight, taste, touch, hearing, and smelling) God does not desire worship from the soul. The soul is a deeper sense of things, if you will, than the flesh, it is where our mind, will, and emotions reside. When you hear an individual say that they are "spiritual", what they most likely mean is that they have constant contact with their "soulish realm." However, that is not where true worship takes place. True worship takes place in our spirit. The inner man, the place where the presence of God resides, and the voice of God speaks to instruct and direct the totality of our lives. True worship is a life that is obedient to God and his Word.

God has given us the gift of music to express what we have experienced on earth relative to what he has spoken in our spirits. Edward Buckley & Unity in Spirit's musical offering based on Psalm 126:5 is not only a breath of fresh air, but a bold and necessary step to leading gospel music back to a biblical foundation. The CD is entitled Trust God.

Buckley, a pastor in Oklahoma City, and a highly sought after musician, director, and songwriter in the gospel industry offers a lyrically prolific and insightful collection of songs that challenge the believer not only to trust God, but to realize that God is literally at work in everything...the good, the bad, and the ugly. It is a prophetic encouragement to walk by faith and not by sight and it refocuses our priorities; making the temporary secondary and the eternal primary.

Trust God.

Obama Wrong on Iraq?

On October 2, 2002 Illinois State Senator Barack Obama, who was yet to make his bid for the United States Senate, gave a speech against going to war in Iraq. When one examines the basic tenants and claims of that speech one will discover Senator Obama's reasoning behind his vehement opposition to the war.

Obama's claim is that he is a patriot. He loves the United States of America. I find this to be explicit throughout his rhetoric of the speech. However, he is not opposed to war when it comes to protecting 1) America's national interests, 2) our homeland as it relates to national security, and 3) the general welfare of all American citizens.

Read paragraphs 4, 5, and 6 of the transcript and read for yourself what he is and was opposed to when it comes to the war in Iraq. The transcript has not been altered and you can locate identical transcripts from independent, non-partisan websites by utilizing the Google search engine.

On Thursday President Bush announced that he would withdraw 8,000 troops from Iraq by February of 2009, but he would also deploy a new set of troops to Afghanistan. Barack's response was consistent with his initial position on the war. He said, "President Bush is not acting quickly or forcefully enough to get more U.S. forces into Afghanistan and out of Iraq. His plan comes up short - it is not enough troops, not enough resources, with not enough urgency, Obama said. The next president will inherit a status quo that is still unstable"

It's just as interesting now as it was seven years ago that we're even in a war with Iraq when it was Osama Bin Laden in AFGHANISTAN that attacked us. We have yet to hear a credible explanation of that. As certain military personnel have told me, "We've always had a reason to go into Iraq." My response was that the American people have understood this from 1998 (Bush Sr.'s first term) until the year 2000 (the end of Bill Clinton's term). What we don't understand is in the context of retaliation why Bush ordered a war on a country that did not attack us and was somewhat docile at the time. Sure, Saddam was still a dictator, but there was no cause for immediate alarm. And where did the reports that he had weapons of mass destruction come from? I can hear the Twilight Zone theme music as an answer to that question.

Yesterday, Senator McCain took it upon himself to blast Obama because of the progress in Iraq. "Sen. Obama was wrong about Iran. He was wrong about Iraq. He was wrong about Russia. He's wrong about America's national security challenges in the future. And he has no experience, and more importantly, he lacks the judgment to lead this country."

I have to admit that's a great political soundbite and leaves the ball in Obama's court, however, we have to remember that John McCain supported this war in the first place. Wouldn't it be fair to ask where was Senator McCain's "foreign policy experience" when he voted for a war that was fueled by faulty intelligence? You couldn't smell anything fishy with the plethora of war experience you love to purport? Where was the consideration of the American people and our service men and women when the briefs were forwarded to the Senate and it contained information that should have prompted McCain to vote no? Folks, it wasn't there. Obama wasn't wrong on the war.

It may seem like things are turning around now, but that has been the natural ebb and flow of this entire conflict. As a matter of fact, it is the atmosphere of the Middle East. Barack's final paragraph of his speech says it better than I ever could:

The consequences of war are dire, the sacrifices immeasurable. We may have occasion in our lifetime to once again rise up in defense of our freedom, and pay the wages of war. But we ought not -- we will not -- travel down that hellish path blindly. Nor should we allow those who would march off and pay the ultimate sacrifice, who would prove the full measure of devotion with their blood, to make such an awful sacrifice in vain.


Ruminations on Paul the Apostle

After Jesus Christ the apostle Paul is no doubt the most prolific figure in all of the Biblical writings. Most scholars believe that he is responsible for writing over two-thirds of the New Testament. That's an awesome feat within itself considering Paul was not one of the original twelve apostles. Paul considered himself an apostle, but often felt the need to defend his apostolic authority, in particular in his letters to the Corinthians.

In the fifteenth chapter of his first letter to the Corinthians he felt somewhat disconnected from the original twelve disciples and expressed his feelings in his juxtaposition to the disciples relative to having the divine authority to spread the message of Jesus Christ. He said, "Last of all, I saw him, too, long after the others, as though I had been born at the wrong time. For I am the least of all the apostles, and I am not worthy to be called an apostle after the way I persecuted the church of God." (1 Corinthians 15:8-9, NLT)

Paul's extraordinary conversion on the road to Damascus is well documented throughout the New Testament book of Acts. See Acts 9, Acts 22, and Acts 26.

His revelation is unprecedented. He speaks of the origin, depth and inspiration of his words in his letter to the church at Galatia. He was given the director's cut, if you will, of the gospels. The gospels of Jesus, (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are very geographical and narrative in nature. They tell the story of Jesus. They place Jesus in time and space. They provide the necessary details of his life that make Jesus real to the reader. The gospels play their part as the movie we watch, but when you reach the epistles of Paul, Paul goes behind the scenes of the events of the gospels and gives us the why's and the how's of the who, what, where, and when.

In his letter to the Roman church Paul in the first three chapters expostulates the doctrine of condemnation informing a Hellenized world that man is inherently evil and has sinned against God. He goes on to tackle the self-righteousness of the Jews who had been dispersed to Rome and maintained that they had received the promise of salvation through the rite of circumcision and their lineage to Abraham. However, Paul is adamant in his divinely inspired assertion that all men have sinned and are in danger of the wrath of God.

In chapter six Paul utters a climatic paradox to this doctrinal teaching. In one verse he illuminates the wrath of God upon all men, and in another breath he swings open the grand invitation that puts the wrath of God at ease. He says in verse 23, "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord."

Stay tuned for further ruminations.

Experience or Judgment?

Make no mistake about it no one has more experience in this campaign than Senators John McCain and Joe Biden. If I'm not mistaken Joe Biden has 36 years in the Senate and John McCain has 27 years. John McCain is a war veteran, but that isn't equivalent to foreign policy experience. (in my humble opinion) It's definitely honorable military experience, but has nothing to do with actually writing foreign policy legislation.

The experience factor has been run over like a dead squirrel on a country road that the local authorities refuse to pick up. It's old news. We get it. You've been in the Senate a long time. Now detail what you've actually done. No stretching the truth. No stump speeches. No prepared statements. What have you really done for the American people? Contrary to popular belief, rhetoric not only spews from the mouth of the lefties, but there's plenty of baseball snuff in the righties mouth.

This country has not suffered from the lack of experience in the last 8 years. Remember George Bush was governor of Texas. That's executive experience. His family is a living legacy in the political realm. That's extensive political experience. He's been privy to it his entire life. The Bush family, like them or not, is a dynasty. They have experience. However, experience didn't get us in this rut we're in, but poor judgment did. This somewhat proves (maybe not fully) that good judgment is not an automatic product of experience. Ever heard the term "old fool?" That's people with loads of experience, but never apply it. That's what wisdom is; applied knowledge.

I urge you to think through these issues. The righties want to make it a moral debate when most politicians (Dems are Repubs) have Phd's in immorality. Have we become that disillusioned to think that just because someone is pro-life and against same-sex unions that they're somehow doing the will of God? Okay, so you're pro-life, so am I, but I can't be pro-life and then support a man who authorized a war and then later admitted to not only having insufficient evidence on WMD's, but faulty evidence at that. Ladies and gentlemen, he knew it. Where's the sanctity of life in that? You send men and women knowing they'll never find what you said was definitely there even though in your heart you knew it wasn't? The pro-life agenda doesn't impress me and you can see why.

As I've stated before I vehemently disagree with Obama on same-sex unions and abortion, but at least he's somewhat honest and he's got the best plan for this country. I vote judgment because experience has me paying $4/gallon in gas, down to one car, and living with in-laws.


We Have Not Fathers

When an individual first begins to study the Bible from a theological perspective, he or she learns quickly that there are "rules" to biblical interpretation. The first rule being, "let the scripture interpret the scripture." This basically means that when you read a scripture and the meaning of that scripture is not clear to you, the first step is to seek out other scriptures in the Bible that relate to the scripture you are reading. Often this will either complement and/or amplify the text to bring you to a greater understanding of the total message that that text is conveying. Always remember that the though there are 66 books in the Bible (39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament), there is one central message that is expressed and you should be able to discover doctrinal continuity and permanence no matter what the subtopic is. Sometimes what seems like an apparent contradiction could be a simple misunderstanding.

After you have gained the basic meaning then you can proceed to dissecting the passage inductively by asking who, what, when, where, why, and how. We call this exegesis. Well, it's basic exegesis due to the fact that normally during an inductive study you're not doing a critical study of the original languages. Basically, exegesis is the derivation of the literal meaning of the scriptures you are studying. It is the "pulling out" of the meaning of the the text. However, sometimes we do what we call isogesis.

Historically, isogesis has meant that when one approaches a biblical text they approach it with their own presuppositions, predispositions, and preconceived notions based on the temporal experiences of life. No one can escape that. We are still in time and space. When I open the Bible I can only bring me and what I've seen, what I know, what I've heard, and what I've experienced in this life. The challenge is divesting yourself of everything you've seen, everything you know, and everything you've heard and experienced and approach God's word with the psychological and spiritual simplicity of a child.

However, isogesis can also mean the "pulling in" of the text. It's when you've done your exegesis, but you see something else there that was not seen on the surface. Your goal is not to change the meaning of the text but maybe a phrase or word caught your attention in a particular verse and you want to develop that thought. Well, that's what I want to do today, but I had to lay out a 4-paragraph (sorry about that) disclaimer so that you guys wouldn't think I am deliberately bastardizing the scriptures.

I don't recommend isogesis or a heavy leaning towards topical preaching as a normal practice. In other words, the culture should not be influencing what we preach. I believe exegetical study leads to effective expository preaching and teaching brings you into the intended revelation of God's Word and also encourages the lay believer to enter into his/her own study more often.

With that said I want to very briefly look at 1 Corinthians 4 and verse 15 from an "isogetical" standpoint. The text says, "For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet [have ye] not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel."

Obviously, the same thing is happening today. We've got a lot of great teachers, but not many mature ones. Sadly, many of those who have not reached the state of maturity are pastoring churches. (Well, I guess I am doing some exegesis, but it was good information for you anyway, *smile*) We've also got teachers who are mature, but they're not spiritual fathers in that they refuse to prepare the generation behind them.

Preachers in today's time want leadership positions in the church too fast, and the older ones won't let go. I believe in the sovereignty and the providence of God, but it's hurting real Christians. People are leaving the church over premature promotion of personality-driven, sub-culture personality pimps disguised as men of God, and because of pastors who are either power drunk, naive or just completely disobedient to the voice of God that is calling for transition and the changing of the guard. We have NO fathers...it's time for a change.


Great Speech?

Cute? Definitely cute, beautiful even. Smart? You better know it. Sassy? With a touch of extra sarcasm for flavor. Feisty? She came out clawing against the Democrats like an old Republican pro last night. Sports fan? Yes! I've got the pictures to prove it. SuperWoman in her own right? You betcha! Husband or no husband, the fact that she is handling five kids and one with Down Syndrome is no joke, and you have to give Alaska Governor Sarah Palin credit where credit is due. She is definitely a class-act model for working mothers.

A great speech? Uh - I'd say...no.

Now I'm no Barck Obama, Tony Robbins, Cornel West, Bill or Hillary Clinton, or Les Brown, but I've done my share of public speaking and know a good speech when I hear one, and I know a good speech when I see one. Public speaking involves presentation, delivery, and content. It's well known that Palin had to deliver this speech on short notice and therfore, did not have much time to prepare. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe she's not good off the cuff. Maybe she's not quick on her feet. From what I saw last night (no bias involved), I saw a sarcastic, cynical, divisive robot reading a teleprompter that didn't spew a single piece of John McCain's policies. Folks, that's a problem with the vice-presidential debate less than a month away.

We heard zero when it came to the economy. Zero on foreign relations except to criticize Obama. Zero on our energy crisis. Attacking the opponent is not equivalent to articulating your position on the challenges that face our country. Tonight, John McCain must be policy driven in his speech because the person he chose to be the second-most powerful individual in the free world left those outside the convention clueless as to what his policies are. Additionally, it cast a long shadow on whether she actually understands McCain's policies. She sounded more like McCain is planning for her to stand in front of the White House behind a sign that says, "Beware of Attack Dog."

Kuntal Warckick, an indepedent voter from the King of Prussia, Pennsylvania stated, "She came across as angry and overconfident. Palin had little to say about policy, and her speech was full of smugness and mockery." See CNN article.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Yes, be opposed to Barack Obama. Attack him at will, but please tell us WHY you disagree with him. Articulate your position. Palin sounded like a high school cheerleader who lost her top spot and was voicing her displeasure over the school's public address system.

If you listened closely last night one thing you noticed was that the Republican party continues to try to paint Barack Obama as elitist and out of touch. I will got out on limb and say that it is next to impossible for any African-American over the age of 45 in the U.S. to be elitist and out of touch because our experience has not allowed us that privilege. And if you are, you don't know where you come from.

The problem with the canvass that was painted last night is that getting to the heart of people and to the heart of the matter is what got Barack into politics in the first place. And if it's true that a leopard can't change its spots then Barack doesn't have anything to worry about because his track record has proven that even in a country that has socially, economically, and legally denied his ethnicity certain inalienable rights, he continues to place country over self.

Mama Said It'd Be Days Like This

It's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. The first portion of this article was orignially intended to focus on the career (run a Google search for "the timeline of Kwame's career) of disgraced Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and not just the events that have recently unfolded over the last year.

The picture to the left indicates that there was once a successful, productive and joyful time in this young man's life and I wanted to take the time to highlight those achievements and not solely focus on his fall from grace.

Unfortunately, mainstream American media is only interested in reporting the demise of young black men (this is not to say that Kwame should escape justice, wrong is wrong and we reap what we sow), but seldom herald their achievements . This is just the truth. It's not a narrow perception. I am fully aware that stereotypes have precedents as their springboard, but I am also aware of the fact that stereotypes, in particular racial stereotypes, find their longevity in centuries old agendas fueled by baseless fear-mongering and journalistic and media-driven social genocide. And after searching the Internet, literally for hours, I could not find ONE positive article about this man.

The only credible website I found with a panoramic view of Kilpatrick's rise and fall in Detroit politics was the Detroit News online. They've even got an interactive timeline of events. They really put some work into this. It's actually very good.

Let me be clear. It is not the media or white America that caused the fall of Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, nor I am I saying that as a mayor of a major city that what has transpired due to his unethical actions is not newsworthy, however, I do want to point out what I believe to be an egregious imbalance of bad publicity for African-American males that are in the political public eye. Ok, I've had my say on that.

Now, I'm not going to throw the mayor under the bus, (because we've all got our share of dirt that has yet to be exposed) but I can't exactly place what he did under the heading of ignorance...it's more like stupidity, mabye not even that, but he is definitely caught in a pickle. There's enough on that Detroit News website to literally keep you going for days. There are tons of PDF documents that have become public record that detail over 14,000 (yes 14,000!) text messages between Kilpatrick and his former top aide. Please be advised some of them are sexually explicit in nature.

Here are some more pictures of Kwame that display the shame of this entire incident.

There are 3 lessons we can learn from this in scripture.

Lesson #1-What's Done in the Dark Will Come to the Light
Numbers 32:23-But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out.

Never allow the enemy (Satan) to deceive you to the point that you believe you're past the point of spiritual discipline just because you've obtained status in this world. God chastens those that he loves. It's not that God loves to chasten, but he is committed to you. Not so much to your natural success, but to your spiritual success, for what is natural success when your soul is rotten and your fellowship with God is broken? Just because God doesn't judge sin immediately doesn't mean he condones it. Public humiliation is always a last resort to get our attention and get us back on the right track.

Lesson #2-Forbidden Fruit Always Looks Good, But End Up Rotten
James 1:15-...and sin when it is finished, brings forth death. Hebrews 11:25-...to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.

One good way to recognize when something is from the enemy is because Satan never discusses the consequences with you. He just says do it and live! Let the chips fall where they may. You're going to have so much fun. And honestly it is fun to have an affair, lie, cheat, steal, have casual sex, etc. However, the payoff is DEATH. Death simply means separation. Firstly, from God. Then you have no joy, no peace, reputation is destroyed, integrity is questionable, among other things. It's never worth it. Take a quick read of Proverbs 5.

Lesson #3-Don't Condemn, You Could Be Next
Galatians 6:1-Brothers, if a man be overtaken in sin, you who are spiritual, restore him in the spirit of meekness; considering yourself, lest you also be tempted.

The easiest trap to fall into is to judge why a person did what they did. However, the scriptures are clear that man looks at the outward appearance and God looks at the heart. See 1 Samuel 16:7. Sometimes we don't even know why we did what we did. See Jeremiah 17:9. Spiritual discipline should always take place, but God is concerned with how we execute it. Do we do it with a disdain for the other person not considering that we could be subject to the very same thing sooner or later? Spiritual discipline? Yes! Passing final judgment and portraying yourself as perfect and without fault? No! Consider yourself.


When a Joke isn't Funny

If you haven't seen P. Diddy's video blog about rising gas prices I would encourage you to go see it. Not because he's making an intelligent vocal rumination or giving an ethical and viable solution to America's energy crisis, but because he decided to post a lame joke on YouTube about it.

We all know that there's a little truth in jest and P. Diddy, the "role model" that he is decided to publicly whine about not being able to use his private jet due to the exorbitant costs of fuel and now he has to board a commercial airplane like the rest of us, as if we can even afford a ticket to board in the first place.

The blog should have been entitled, "Jerks & Ignoramus" 101. We all know that as an African-American community we have used humor for years to persevere through our plights, but this is something that is affecting EVERY middle-class, busting their tail (almost said another word that rhymes with class), barely paying bills, and living from paycheck to paycheck family in this country. It wasn't appropriate, it wasn't relevant, and it wasn't funny.

The disclaimer that he has on the YouTube page says and I quote, "Attention all media and hate bloggers. This blog is just me making a joke about gas prices. Loosen up", shows his immaturity, his lack of leadership ability in the time of extreme economical crisis, and a poor use of the platform he has been blessed with.

Diddy I am not a hater. I have often been one to praise your many successes, but don't diminish those of us who are really experiencing the affects of the economic crunch in America, because based on your video, you're not. I love you Diddy, but it wasn't funny.