
A Critical Analysis of Sen. Hillary Clinton's Speech

Admittedly, I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton (mainly because I think she is narcissitic in nature), and she has yet to step into the floodlights of reality and accept that she lost to Sen. Barack Obama.

I judge Sen. Clinton's speech on content and delivery. I hope that my comments do not appear to be too personal, however, I think what she displayed was a monstrous effort to suppress her disdain for Barack, the fact that she lost, and that she was not speaking on Thursday to accept the nomination. With all of her efforts to push back the dam of resentment, anger, and yes even jealously, her statements still found a way to manufacture cracks and crevices in what I believe was designed to appear to be a sealed endorsement for Sen. Obama. Unfortunately, to many including myself, it didn't quite come across that way.

I think her husband filled in all the holes that she left on the next night, that by many seemed deliberate and intentional. Or maybe it was a setup from the beginning. We will never know, will we?

Here is a copy of the New York Times online transcript of Hillary's speech for your reading pleasure.

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